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Life Update – Upcoming Adventures to Zion National Park and Puerto Vallarta

Hello Beautiful! I am about a month and a half late on welcoming Summer on my site; I have been swamped! Firstly, I just started a new job at a lab and in desperate need of getting my life together at home. I finished my first quarter as a graduate student and passed my classes with flying colors. From here on, I will be taking my next set of Master’s classes in the Fall conjoined with a Biotechnology Certificate program. I’m super excited for the Fall, but am glad to have no classes and just work this Summer to do fun stuff. 🙂 In the last few weekends, I’ve gone to Steep Ravine for some outdoor rock climbing, Cow Mountain, Ukiah to practice my marksmanship and out on the ole sail boat for a friend’s birthday.

Steep Ravine, California
Steep Ravine near Stinson Beach, CA


On this day, my friends and I climbed Egghead which has a difficulty ranking of 5.11b – 5.12. It was pretty easy but the other side of this rock facing the water is a little bit easier. Check out other details about the climbs on Mountain Project.

Bay Area Sail Boat
Sailing on the bay near San Francisco, CA

Time on the sailboat is always a good time. I love being on the boat, flowing with the waves, and standing in the wind. Sailing is fun if you know how to. Also, it can be dangerous so we follow the regulations of the water.

Moreover, let’s talk about some of my upcoming adventures! My Summer schedule isn’t entirely planned out yet, but I do have a few adventures that are definitely in my planner. My sister’s birthday is coming up and we will be doing a BBQ and spa day. The next post will be about our spa day and my sister’s birthday, so be sure to keep an eye out!

Upcoming events planned thus far:

Laura’s Birthday/Spa Day

Firstly, we will be going to Touch To Heal Spa in Campbell for her birthday weekend. I can do a quick review of the place on the next post if you guys would like to read about it.

Zion National Park, Utah

Next, I will be meeting a friend out in Las Vegas the end of July and we will be driving out to Zion National Park. If you’ve already been there, let me know and send some photos in the comments below! I’ll put up a post before this trip on what I will be packing and what to bring to keep yourself safe in the wilderness and heat!

Zip lining

Actually, I have never been zip lining and I thought I don’t have to wait to leave the country, I can do it right here in California! I will either be going to Redwood Canopy Tour or try out a self-devised zipline in a lake close by.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Finally, some friends and family will be going to Puerto Vallarta for a short vacation at the end of August. Just like our trip in Cancun, we will be there for a few days. I will try to fit in some other excursions and keep everyone posted on what I will be packing. There will be videos and blog posts on packing my personal item and my carry on. I usually only pack a carry on luggage when my trip is 5 days or less.

That’s all for the update! Let me know what you guys would like to see in the next month!

Blog ideas:

-Light makeup for a Zion adventure

-First aid preparations for the wilderness

-Clothes and makeup haul for Puerto Vallarta

Please let me know if you have any ideas or you’d like to see one of the above! Until next week!

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First Day at Live Aqua, Cancun

Hello again gorgeous!

We arrived in Cancun in the morning and checked in at Live Aqua Hotel around noon. We relaxed a bit after being on the plane and threw on bathing suits. The plane ride wasn’t long since we had to connect in Mexico City but it was rough. The hotel serves buffet style lunch at the pool so the girls headed there for some almuerzo.

Photo credit goes to my sister Laura. Honestly I really looked passed the hotel pool onto the blue beach of Cancun which is why it slipped my mind to take a picture. I think I spent more time in the ocean than I did in Live Aqua pools. It wasn’t that the infinity pool, the swim up bar or the Jacuzzi wasn’t nice, it’s just that the warm ocean water was RIGHT THERE!

Photographer: Live Aqua Pro

There was a professional, on-site, photographer roaming around the hotel and he helped us take a few pictures of the birthday girl’s (orange bikini) crew. We also did a photo shoot with the same photographer the next day. Here, I just wore a simple coral top and black cheeky bottoms.


I saw this little guy while having lunch near the pools. There were so many hanging around. I wish I could have picked them up but the staff advised against it. Now that I’m thinking about it, I really should have just picked them up! A bite or two wouldn’t kill me. 🙂

After visiting the pools we went to dinner at Siete located in the hotel. It was SO delicious. We had reservations but it is an open buffet style restaurant. While having our served dinner, most of us went to the buffet and picked up a lot of hor d’oeuvres and dessert. The photo above is the beef dish with squash puree and potato and it was cooked to perfection. The puree was a wonderful addition to the beef, the potato was very flavorful and the beef was super soft.  Of course I was so stuffed from the other food I couldn’t finish it. It was a waste because it was very delicious.

We all headed back to our rooms and retired pretty early that night. A few of us girls were to prepare for Fly-board the next day. We also rented out some Jet Skis. Those will be shown next time. 🙂

Until next entry!!!!